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Archive for the month “July, 2019”


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In the 1980s, Charles Schulz and his son Monte Schulz set out to create the “Citizen Kane” of Peanuts specials. The result was 1988’s IT’S THE GIRL IN THE RED TRUCK, CHARLIE BROWN. 

In this special, scripted by the two Schulzes, we find animated cartoon Spike wandering around live-action Needles, California – ala “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” – where he meets up with Jenny, played by Schulz daughter Jill Schulz. There’s lots of driving around in the titular red truck, falling aluminum cans and…gunfire? 

“Citizen Kane”? Well, you can decide for yourself. 

We’ve also got Peanuts news, another “Random Strip of the Month” and a “Peanuts by Schulz” short called “No Strings Attached”.

So finish your popcorn, strap on your roller skates (you’ll understand after the episode) and boogie on over to episode 39!

Thanks to Henry Pope for his “Linus & Lucy” remix. Check out that and other Pope music on Soundcloud here.

Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs “Mining by Moonlight” and “Bass Walker”.

It’s a Podcast, Charlie Brown show notes and what not.

Atari Bytes – Hey! That’s my other show.

Pick up “Greetings, Fellow Blockheads” shirts and mugs at AB_Pod_Store on Zazzle.com

Support the show financially on our Patreon page here.

You can read a collection of my short stories – MISERY BANANA: VERY SHORT STORIES INSPIRED by OLD GAMES AND ODD THOUGHTS – in e-book or print wherever you like to order books. Here’s  one of those places.

Check out this episode!

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