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Archive for the month “April, 2020”


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Now that Easter is over and you’ve had a chance to clean up the mess from the Easter Bunny lobbing eggs over your fence in deference to social distancing, here’s episode 48 of the podcast to relax with.

We’ve got an interview with Gini Holtzman who, back in the day, provided the voice for “Peppermint Patty” in a number of TV episodes, including “Snoopy’s Reunion” and the iconic “It’s Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown”. What was it like to make these shows? What did Charles Schulz give her? What does she think Peppermint Patty would be like as a grown up? The answers to all of these questions and more are waiting for you inside this episode.

We’ve also got another installment of “Random Strip of the Month” and a review of another “Peanuts by Schulz” called “School is Out”.

No chocolate bunnies though.

Thanks to Kevin McLeod at Incompetech.com for creative commons use of his songs “Mining by Moonlight” and “Bass Walker”.

Thanks to Nick Jones for the use of his song “25% Off”.

Thanks to Henry Pope for the use of his “Linus & Lucy” Remix. You can find that and more of his music on Soundcloud here.

Get episode info, social media and more for IT’S A PODCAST, CHARLIE BROWN here and for the weekly ATARI BYTES, a podcast where we talk about old games and present an original short story more or less inspired by something related to that game. It’s all on the website www.carnivalofgleecreations.com 

Support the show by becoming a subscriber on the show page on Patreon.com. If you do, you could get episodes early or even get bonus content! Good grief!


Check out this episode!

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